The game was fun, but..
I upgraded the shotgun and it turned into a laser cannon, it was very effective as a shotgun, and took a lot of points to get it at the power it was. When it was a laser cannon it took forever to reload no matter how many points I put into it, the laser didn't hit nearly as many enemies as the shotgun did, that's pretty much what ended the game for me. I put so many points into something that turned out to be another thing in the end. I think the laser cannon upgrade should be optional. A save feature would be great, having to start from scratch can be frustrating, especially when so much work goes into upgrades. The setup of the game and upgrading menu take some time to get used to, and first it's extremely complicated, and I'm sure I didn't even know what everything did in the end too. Even though the setup looked cool, I think trying to make it simpler would have made the game play a lot more fun. Some of the human upgrades seemed unnecessary also, the jump was only used for small parts of the game, I'm not exactly sure what speed would do for you in the game. All in all it's a great game, and has the main concept and game play together fairly well, I think with a few more minor tweaks this game could be perfect.